Circumstances changed since this blog was created nearly a year ago. At that time, three old amigos where going to ride this epic journey. That plan changed and this introduction was rewritten on August 31, 2017 to reflect the change.
I started planning this trip nearly a year ago. I wanted to take one more epic journey. It has been awhile since I cycled 5200 miles across the United States, followed Lewis and Clark’s route to the Pacific Northwest and explored the Mississippi River from its head waters near Canada to St. Louis, MO. I was hoping that 2 of my cycling friends were going to join me on the Southern Tier, but age and health issues seemed to get in the way. A month before I was to leave, I even had my own health scares. Now I am days away from shipping my bike to San Diego and I will soon follow. Rather than cycling alone, I joined an Adventure Cycling group that meets on September 10th. While this route will be very similar to the one I planned to take with my friends, AC will spend most nights in camp grounds versus the motels that my friends and I were planning to utilize. Camping, group cooking, and cycling with new friends will make my trip even more of an adventure than originally planned. Stay in touch for more updates as I head east and look for a place with Wi-Fi to post my daily journey.
Wish that I could join you for your next epic adventure. Best wishes for a fun and safe journey.