2017 09-22 Usery Mountain
Recreation Area to Tonto Basin
Today was a 67 mile day with no services for the first 50 miles. The section had an elevation gain of 3000 feet. There where a few occasional downhills. The downhills resulted in a total amount of climbing in excess of 4000 feet, for when you go down you must climb to the same elevation again. A significant portion of today's ride was on route 87, a two lane divided highway busy with a lot of motor homes and trucks. This high speed traffic results in a lot of tire noise, and this noise, for some, is very fatiguing. It frays ones nerves, resulting in significant tension.
We are definitely in cactus country. The cactus plants where more plentiful during today's ride than in past days.
Some sad news to report tonight. One of our brothers, Terry, had to drop out of the tour. He has been having pain in his eyes for the past few days and this morning returned to Tempe to be seen by an eye doctor. It turns out he has sun burn of his eyes and must remain in doors, in the dark and wearing sun glasses for the next 10 days. He was a great rider and a good guy and we will miss him. Sorry to see you leave the group Terry!
Today was a 67 mile day with no services for the first 50 miles. The section had an elevation gain of 3000 feet. There where a few occasional downhills. The downhills resulted in a total amount of climbing in excess of 4000 feet, for when you go down you must climb to the same elevation again. A significant portion of today's ride was on route 87, a two lane divided highway busy with a lot of motor homes and trucks. This high speed traffic results in a lot of tire noise, and this noise, for some, is very fatiguing. It frays ones nerves, resulting in significant tension.
017 09-21 Tempe
to Usery Mountain
Recreation Area
Today is a 27 mile day, and because it is so short a riding
day, our leader, Ken, recommended a late departure from the hotel. Most of us finally left around 8 AM after our group breakfast and a map meeting.
Today may be the exception in the old
saying “it is not the destination but the journey that matters” s today it was
the destination. The first 20 miles of
our ride was just getting out of the “city”; city streets, city stop lights,
city traffic, very boring. After turning
north from our initial easterly exit from the city, the scenery changed to more
of what we have become accustomed to riding through, desert scenery. With the harsh late morning sun, there was no
picture taking opportunities.
Things seemed to change when we turned into the park
entrance. It had a magical feel to it,
but its full potential would not be reviled until later, when the sun was setting
and casting its magical glow on all the landscape. A special treat was provided by a Harris Hawk
which posed for several minutes atop a cactus plant, allowing ample time to capture
pictures which would revile the true beauty of the bird.
Ken had mentioned early in the day that arrangements had
been made to have dinner delivered to our camp site. We all assumed that dinner was provided by
request of Ken, but that assumption was wrong.
Gary and Debbie, owners of the Los Gringos Locos restaurant, have become
interested in cycling and want to take a trip like ours someday. Some
how they heard about our passing through this area and contacted adventure
cycling offering to serve us a free meal, compliments of there business. What a treat.
They treaded us like royalty. The
food was delicious and they where the friendless people one could meet.
2017 09-20 Tempe
layover day
Today is a layover day, a day of rest and recovery. Everyone is off doing their own thing as no
group activities are planned on these days.
The only thing that just about everybody will be doing is a little bike
maintenance, especially to the chain and gears.
They tend to get dirty from road dirt and will not work smoothly if left
unattended for too long. Layover day
seems to be the day with enough time to tackle this job.
Great pictures for these last few days--especially the hawk on the cactus.