Friday, September 29, 2017

2017 09-29 Silver City to Mimbres (23 miles or 51 miles)

Toady we have a choice in how to cycle from Silver City to Mimbres.  Take the main route and cycle 23 miles or choose the Gila Cliff Dwelling alternate route and cycle 51 miles.  The group was split, with most of the group choosing the longer route and the oldest riders choosing the shorter route.  Tomorrow we start at Mimbres at an elevation of 5971 feet and cross the continental divide at Emery pass at 8228 feet, a significant climb, especially when the ups and downs are factored in. So why not save your legs?

The forecast for today called for a significant chance of rain.  The rain never came, but the sky was overcast for most of the morning.  Those taking the shorter option cycled with an overcast sky most of their ride.  Those taking the longer option had a break in the cloud cover.  Of course, crossing the continental divide twice on the longer ride means those riders are still cycling while the older (maybe wiser) cyclists have their tents set up, are showered and are now relaxing.  Oh, how sweet life is. 

Some opting for the 51 mile route are just now starting to arrive and are claiming the best ride of the trip.  Perhaps it was, but they do have a look of “I’m glad it is over” on their faces. Except for Chris, who has his usual smiley happy face on.


  1. From your comments I can not tell which ride you took. Please clarify if you were one of the wiser or had the best ride of the trip.

  2. Hi Joe, Back from Southern France, I appreciate your great Blog. It looks like you got wiser and are learning to really smell the roses. Wish you good luck and great rides.
