Friday, October 20, 2017

2017 10-20 Bastrop to Carmine (55.9 miles)

Today we leave the wonderful state park in Bastrop.  Unfortunately, we can not ride the peaceful, park roads as they are ending a controlled burn which has necessitated the shut down of a section of the park road.  It would have been a 20 plus mile ride through gorgeous peaceful forested areas with no traffic.  Instead we had to ride on the shoulder of route 71, a 4 lane divided high way with lots of high speed traffic.  This day was absent any real highlights, except the stop in Round Top.  Round Top has many old buildings that have been saved from various locations in Texas and brought here for preservation.  Most have now been placed in service as a shop or other business.  Being an interesting town is not the real reason we stopped.  We stopped for Pie.  Royers Café is noted for their pie, with a selection of more than 15 different types to choose from, and all very delicious.  Joe, Chris and Tom ordered the 4 slice sampler to share, complete with four scoops of very good vanilla ice cream.  It was all heavenly good!  Shortly, the rest of the group joined in the pie feast and all enjoyed a piece of scrumptious pie.  A well worth while stop, and yes, the highlight of the day!


  1. It is hard to believe that you only have 3 weeks to go to reach the Atlantic. Fantastic journey!

    1. Thanks Jeff! Only wish I could be sharing it with you and HP. Your white socks are serving me well. :-)
