Tuesday, October 24, 2017

2017 10-24 Silsbee to Merryville or (55.2 miles)

Today was a milestone day!  We finally leave the big state of Texas, after entering it on October 2nd, and ride into Louisiana.  It took 23 days to peddle across this immense state.  It felt real good to enter a new state!

Breakfast was at 7, our usual time, except it was served in the kitchen of our gracious hostess instead of around some outdoor picnic table.  Ken’s sister-in-law has been very kind to allow us to stay at her house, serve us dinner, allow us to set up tents in all corners of her yard, use her laundry facilities, and in general have the run of her house. 

The morning started off damp and chilly, but warmer than the past few mornings.  Once again, the air heated quickly as the sun rose in the sky, and a clear blue cloudless sky prevailed all day.  Most of the day’s ride was spent in Texas as we did not cross the state line into Louisiana until about 5 miles outside of Merryville, the destination for most of the group today.  They will be camping at the Merryville historic Society for the next two evenings.  Tomorrow is a rest or layover day – no riding!

Joe, decided that layover day should be spent indoors, so he went on an extra 20 miles to the town of DeRidder, where he will stay in a Best Western Hotel for the next two evenings, and rejoin the group in Oberlin on Thursday.

When we entered Texas oh so many days ago, we were not treated to the usual signs welcoming us into the state.  We did see such signs as we left the state, if we turned around and looked back.  I guess in Texas, you have to prove you are worthy before you can be welcomed, and we have surly earned our place after this long and testing stay in the Lone Star State.


  1. Hay Joe, A motel is a good thing and worth the extra 20 miles!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Joe,
    Today, reading about a song by Robert Earl Keen: THE ROAD GOES FOR EVER AND THE PARTY NEVER ENDS, I thought on you.

    1. Thanks HP. I looked up the sang and listened to it. My party goes on! Wish you were here!
